Ever wonder what an aspiring grant writer might need to make their proposal writing days (and nights) go a little easier? Apart from a computer and an internet connection? Here it is y’all. A definitive list of items, with our tried-and-true favorites by name.

A second monitor is invaluable. Not only do we use the large desktop kind to augment the usual laptop screen, but we’ve invested in a small portable version as well. Take your work anywhere and work with as much efficiency as you have at your desk. Grant Runner Fave: AOC 16-inch class USB 3.0 portable monitor with 15.6" viewable LED-backlit screen and HD 1366x768 resolution
Pens they love. I’m partial to Pilot G2 roller ball pens in Bold. Someone who clearly loves me threw out all the other subpar pens and for that, I’m forever grateful.
Blue light-filtering reading glasses protect your eyes from fatigue and avoid headaches brought on by prolonged hours of reading fine print on-screen. You can find readers at pretty much any drugstore or big box store in a variety of strengths and styles.
Moisturizing Hand Lotion. Hours of clacking away at a keyboard can be incredibly drying to the skin on your hands, palms, wrists, and elbows. Be kind to your cuticles. Our hands-down favorite is L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream.
A yummy snack stash. A drawerful of non-perishable snacks can keep you going when writer’s block has finally lifted. Crunchy and chewy things reign supreme in the quest to keep the creative juices flowing. For crunchiness, we suggest Popcorners Kettle Corn snacks (red bag). For chewiness, Annie’s gluten-free chewy granola bars in double chocolate chip flavor are the clear winner.
Writing assistant tools such as Grammarly or Hemingway. Check your prose for readability, grammar, spelling, and style. You can use as much or as little advice as you desire. (I don’t check a thing on these blog entries. Read at your own risk.)
Backup hard or cloud storage… or both. PSA: BACK UP YOUR DATA. Find a system that works, and then stick to it. Annoying, yes, but it just might pay off someday. We like iCloud and Box for cloud solutions, and Seagate Backup drives for easy backup and storage.
We may add to this list as we discover products and services that knock our socks off. Stay tuned here.